Hints and Tips


? Every child is a unique individual with their own characteristics and temperament

? Babies and children develop in individual ways and at varying rates and at different times in their lives

? Early relationship strongly influence how children develop and having close relationship with carers is very important

? Development is a continuos, complex interaction of environmental and genetic factors in which the body, brain and behaviour become more complex

? The young child is vulnerable. Him develop resilience when his physical and psychological well-being is protected by adults

? Child’s health is an integral part of his emotional, mental, social and environmental well-being

? Child’s play reflects his wide ranging and varied interest and preoccupations

? When a child has opportunities to play with ideas in different situations and with a variety of resources, him discover connections and come to new and better understandings and ways of doing things

? Active learning involves other people, objects, ideas and events that engage and involve the child for sustained periods

? Play with peers is important for children’s development

? The key person has special responsibilities for working with the child, giving him the reassurance to feel safe and cared

? Babies come into the world ready to learn and are especially toned to learn from other people and the cultural and material environment

? Pay attention to all your child’s ways to communicate such as gestures, facial expressions and gaze direction, in drawing, writing and singing even through dance and drama

? Encourage your child to recognise his own unique qualities and characteristics

? Being overprotected can prevent your child from learning about possible dangers and about how to protect himself from harm

? For babies and children rest and sleep are as important as good food

? Children’s health and well-being are affected by both, the genes they inherit and the environment in which they live

? Children must be supported in using all of their senses to learn about the world around them and to make connections between new information and what they already know

? Introduce appropriate vocabulary to your child, alongside his actions

? Plant in your child the seeds of self-control

? Teach to your child respect for the rights and feelings of others

? The uncompromisingly rigid discipline and the overly permissive one, are both extremes ones that can leave a child feeling unloved

? Get used your son ( or daughter ) to say “please”, “thank you”

? Consistency is important. Once you’ve made a fair number of age-appropriate rules, enforce them consistently

? Nobody’s perfect, and nobody should be expected to be