
I would suggest this tale

Cipollino, or Little Onion, is a fictional character from Gianni Rodari’s eponymous Tale of Cipollino (Italian:Il romanzo di Cipollino),a children’s tale about social oppression.

In a world inhabited by anthropomorphic produce, Cipollino fights the unjust treatment of his fellow vegetable townsfolk by the fruit royalty (Prince Lemon and the overly proud Lord Tomato) in the garden kingdom. The main theme is the struggle of the weak against Bullies,good versus evil, and the importance of friendship in the face of difficulties.

Gianni Rodari (23 October 1920 – 14 April 1980) was an Italian writer and journalist, most famous for his children’s book,notably “Il Romanzo di Cipollino”. For his lasting contribution as a children’s writer he received the biennial Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1970 and many consider him Italy’s most important twentieth-century children’s author. His books have been translated into many languages, though few have been published in English.

Il libro delle filastrocche (“The Book of Children’s Poems”, 1950)
Il romanzo di (“The Adventures of the Little Onion”, 1951)
La freccia azzurra (“The Blue Arrow”, 1953)
Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi (“Jasmine in the Country of Liars, 1958)
Filastrocche in cielo e in terra (“Nursery Rhymes in the Sky and on Earth”, 1960)
Favole al telefono (“Fairy Tales Over the Phone”, 1962)
Gip nel televisore (“Gip in the Television”, 1962)
La Torta in Cielo (“The Cake in the Sky”, 1966)
La grammatica della fantasia (“The Grammar of Fantasy”, 1974)
C’era due volte il barone Lamberto ovvero I misteri dell’isola di San Giulio (Twice Upon a Time there was a Baron called Lamberto or The Mysteries of the Isle of S. Giulio,1978,
Novelle fatte a macchina (“Stories written on a typewriter”)
Piccoli Vagabondi