Baby’s Sleeping Problems

I and all middle age people know, sleepless is the no 1 problem that plagues parents from the moment they bring their baby home from the hospital.
Sleep is the most important issue because all other aspects of baby care revolve around sleep, to sleep is to grow, if you have a tired child, he won’t eat or play. Babies come to us with 24 hour internal clocks, they don’t know how to sleep, they don’t know the difference between night and day; we need to teach them.
I would like to explain the nature and the importance of sleep in infants.
In the third period of gestation the baby has developed the capability of (basically) two types of sleep: REM and NOT REM.
REM meaning Rapid Eye Movement, is a light sleep and you can recognise it because is an active sleep; the baby twitches, breathes irregularly and his eyes move fast under the eyelids, sometimes you can see his smile briefly. During REM sleep the brain receive extra blood and warms up, this is the condition when the brain develops more functions.