Welcome to TataCatia

Are you looking for a Nanny to help you? Would you like advice in Childcare? Do you have concerns about being a parent?

Catia has years of experience and has helped numerous couples deal with issues with their children. Catia is a fully qualified and registered Nanny and Maternity Nurse with a lot knowledge about weaning and other development steps, who loves working with Childern and is comfortable with all ages from Newborns to Primary School age. Catia has worked for and with families not only in the UK, but also overseas looking after their children. References can be supplied on request.

Today my little boys are 3 months old. There’s been a lot of tears from them (and me!) because of their colic but now we have 2 happy, smiley boys. I couldn’t have got through the past weeks without this amazing lady by my side. Catia we will all miss you!

In this site you will find a wealth of information and if you register as a member not only will you have access to numerous articles covering topic from breastfeeding to Vaccinations, but you will also have access to our forum where you can talk directly with Catia by sending her private messages and join into discussions with other members.

Catia is also available for one to one consultations.

We interviewed 40 nannies. Many of them were very nice, most of them had good qualifications, but very few offered the combination of what we thought a perfect nanny should offer until we met Catia.

Below are comments from parents I’ve previously helped or worked for:

Catia is a loving, kind, and patient person who takes her responsibility very seriously and ensures that Charlies’s well-being is always first and foremost during their time together. It is with heavy hearts that we must move on as we return to the US, and we are saddened that Catia cannot come with us. Not only for that sense of calm and trust she has elicited from us in her time with our family, but also knowing that she has formed such a loving bond with our son. Charlie will truly miss her.


Catia was totally devoted to Lara. As Lara grew Catia was there to meet and nurture Lara’s individual needs. Catia is very kind and loving and has a deep understanding of children’s needs. I trusted Catia completely with my daughter and knew she was in good and safe hands with her. Catia introduced Lara to food for the first time and got her sleeping in a good routine through the night. Catia is very flexible and when we traveled as a family she made the process very easy and adapted to everything with ease and as a result of this so did Lara.


Catia has been instrumental help as a maternity nurse with the birth of our daughter. We employed her for one week after my wife gave birth through a ceasarean section.


She was very helpful with the newborn. She fed, bathed and put him to sleep and she was particularly helpful in the weaning process. Catia was also responsible for doing the children’s laundry and making sure the rooms were clean and tidy. She prepared meals for both children and played with them in imaginative and educational ways.

The full references that Catia has received from the various families Catia has worked with over the years are available to all registered members.